Sierra Leone Orphans

A few days ago, I got into a conversation on Facebook with a young woman who lives in Bo, Sierra Leone. I had been in Bo when I was in the country, and I told her I was glad things were better than they were during the terrible war years. She told me that she … Read more

Sierra Leone Just Appeared in My Life

No, I didn’t go back there for the first time since my 1963 trip which is the basis for my memoir African Summer. I doubt that will ever happen, given my stamina and funds. But while I was looking for an article that an online friend of mine wrote about Mexico, I came across an … Read more

Putting Photos in My LSD Book

I’m over halfway through the final editing of my third memoir, LSD and Beyond, about taking it as a research subject in 1964.  I’m having fun adding a few photographs to the text. In this book, the photos are black and white. If I were an artist I would draw wild multi-color images to describe … Read more

My LSD Book Is Almost Done

My next book, “LSD and Beyond: How Being a Research Subject Transformed My Life” has moved to a new stage. It’s left my Windows computer, where I write, to my old Mac, where I use a Mac-only formatting program called Vellum. I’ve got the photos already on the Mac and soon will install them. This … Read more